Stem cells and tooth regeneration Within the inner most compartment of your teeth is a soft substance called pulp. Surrounding the pulp is the thin dentin layer that helps to seal it from exposure and infection. Dentin is naturally produced but is unfortunately not enough to repair large cavities on its own. That is why […]
Floss or Not to Floss? Should We All Stop Flossing?!
Over the last several months we have been called into question about the efficacy of flossing. This awareness comes to light after the U.S. government removed flossing from their Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The U.S. department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services made their decision citing “weak evidence” for flossing […]
When to Take Your Child to the Dentist
Timing is everything This question is very common, and it can be difficult for parents to decide when their child’s first dental visit should be. To help ease your mind, we’ll quickly go over when and why to bring your child to the dentist. It is first important to know why your child is going […]